Friday, September 10, 2010

Link Popularity and Link Reputation

When another website links to your web page, this will be used by
search engines to vote for your website. Since search engines believe
that some links are more important than others, you’ll need to
understand the concepts of Link Popularity and Link Reputation in
order to build a natural looking link portfolio for your website.
Link Popularity is the quantity of links pointing to your web page from
other sites. It can also be determined as PageRank passed to your web

Some time ago, search engines ranked web pages depending on the
number of links pointing to them. It was thought that good pages attracted more links.

fig. link-building-popularity

Nowadays it is changed. Search engines don’t rely on the pure link
popularity anymore. They evaluate links based on their importance. To
establish your web page as important, you can:

  • Get a lot of links from other pages
  • Get several links from already important pages
  • Use both 1 and 2 methods.
However, a few links from other important pages is the most effective
way to get a higher page rank because the pages linked from important
pages are themselves considered to be important (of course, the more
links from important pages you’ll have, the better). Just a few links
from important pages can do more good than a ton of links from
unimportant sites.

Link Reputation is connected with the type of keywords you used in
your anchor text. It is used to determine relevance for certain search
terms in the search engines.
So, you’ll have two tasks to accomplish for a successful link building
  • get as many links from important pages as possible,
  • build relevance between your anchor text and target keywords phrases used in search engines.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, clearly explained, good sharing...thanks...
